According to the media Sumatra Express in May 2010 about the extermination instruction of around 123 000 stray dogs ahead of SEA Games on the pretext of rabies is in effect , it made ​​perfect sense when elimination has been applied on a regular basis. And based on some news which expose the massacre, it is logic that within one and a half of this year thousands of stray dogs have been eliminated. And because the elimination process is done at night we also believe that not all of these elimination action was exposed in the media so that people outside Palembang (South Sumatera) could not aware of this murder. Therefore, when the news was raised again in social media on Friday October 21, 2011 about this annihilation, animal lover society were then strongly protest and urge the local government to stop the slaughter of stray dogs, which is one of preparation for the SEA Games. But it is unfortunate when some people still not been able to accept the fact that the massacre had been carried out in several areas related to the SEA Games preparations and assume this is just a hoax issue. So for the moment and in days ahead, hopefully the rescue proccess of stray dogs in Palembang could be done without any obstacles and with good cooperation from the government.

Protes Pembasmian Anjing Liar Kembali Muncul

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011 | 16:24 WIB
PALEMBANG, KOMPAS.com — Setelah sempat mereda, protes dan kecaman soal pembasmian anjing liar di area pelaksanaan SEA Games XXVI, Jakabaring, Palembang, Sumsel, kembali muncul. Protes muncul menyusul pemberitaan di koran lokal bahwa rencana pembasmian akan berlanjut.
"Pemberitaan itu muncul sebagai berita utama di koran lokal hari ini. Dalam berita bahkan disebutkan satpol PP akan begadang untuk itu," kata Direktur Faunawelfare Artha Tan, Jumat (28/10/2011).

Pol PP Begadang Selama SEA Games-Tangkap dan Racuni Anjing Liar

Jaminan Tak Eliminasi Anjing Disambut Gembira

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011 | 21:54 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com Kalangan dokter hewan dan relawan Yayasan Fauna Welfare menyambut gembira keputusan Dinas Peternakan Sumatera Selatan untuk tidak mengeliminasi anjing-anjing telantar di Palembang.
Dinas Peternakan sepakat menggunakan cara-cara yang lebih elegan untuk mencegah penularan anjing gila (rabies).
Hal itu mengemuka setelah sejumlah dokter hewan dari Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia (PDHI) DKI Jakarta dan Direktur Yayasan Fauna Welfare, Artha Tan, bertemu Kepala Dinas Peternakan Sumatera Selatan, Asrillazi Rasyid, di Palembang, Kamis (27/10/2011).

Pemerintah Jamin SEA Games 2011 Bebas Rabies

Anjing-anjing liar yang berkeliaran di jalan akan ditangkap dan dimusnahkan.

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010, 12:58 WIB
Amril Amarullah

Rabies vaccination (Wima Saraswati/VIVAnews)

VIVAnews - Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan (Sumsel) menjamin pelaksanaan pesta olahraga Asia Tenggara, SEA Games  ke XXVI November 2011 nanti akan bebas dari penyakit rabies.

Kepala Bidang Kesehatan Hewan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Vertiner Dinas Pertenakan Sumsel, I Wayan Telabah, menegaskan saat ini pihaknya telah menyebarkan sebanyak 15.000 vaksin rabies di 15 Kabupaten/kota yang ada di Sumsel. "Kita jamin saat tiba SEA Games nanti penyakit rabies akan hilang," ujar I Wayan.

S. Sumatra governor denies dog extermination report

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 10/26/2011 8:07 PM
South Sumatra Governor Alex Noerdin has denied a statement by an official that dogs and several other animals would be exterminated before the commencement of the SEA Games XXVI in Palembang.

“The issue of exterminating dogs and other animals in connection to SEA Games is not true. There will be no dog exterminations in Palembang,” Alex said, while taking Sports and Youth Minister Andi Mallarangeng on a survey around sport venues on Wednesday, as quoted by kompas.com.

He said that his administration had not planned any such measure.

Andi Mallarangeng added that the control of stray animals, and the environment in general, was necessary during the SEA Games, but should be done in a humane manner.

On Tuesday, the region’s animal husbandry agency chief Asrillazi Rasyid said that the agency would exterminate stray dogs on Saturday, to ensure that SEA Games visitors to Palembang would be free from the threat of rabies from stray dogs.

Source : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/10/26/s-sumatra-governor-denies-dog-extermination-report.html